Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC) |
Paper #1
A Review of Energy Efficiency in Wireless Body Area/Sensor Networks, With Emphasis on MAC Protocol
Ogheneochuko Ubrurhe, Nigel Houlden and Peter S. Excell
Abstract: The increasing use of wireless communication and the continuous miniaturisation of electronics devices have brought about the concept of Wireless Body Area Network (WBANs). In these types of networks, the sensor node operates in close proximity to the body and also the wireless nature of the system presents various novel, real-time and new methods to improve health care delivery. The sensor is capable of measuring any parameter which it has been designed to read, for example the heartrate and the body temperature. This paper presents a review of the concept of WBANs with a focus on the mechanism of data communication over the wireless medium. Further, it examines ways to power such devices, in particular focusing on minimisation of energy requirements, thereby reducing maintenance demands and contributing to making the environment ‘greener’.
Keywords: Energy efficiency; Healthcare delivery; MAC protocol; Sensor networks; Wireless body area network.
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Paper #2
A Survey on PoW-based Consensus
Alessio Meneghetti, Massimiliano Sala and Daniele Taufer
Abstract: We provide a historical overview of proof-of-work techniques and the fields in which it plunges its roots. We are interested in PoW-techniques applied to blockchain technology and therefore we survey the state-of-the-art protocols employing these methods for consensus algorithms, emphasizing the differences between the efficient hashcash systems and the promising bread pudding protocols. Afterwards, the consensus mechanisms are discussed and some interesting known attacks to these algorithms are collected and classified according to their underlying ideas.
Keywords: Proof of Work (PoW); Blockchain; Distributed Digital Ledger; Hashcash; Bread Pudding Protocols; Consensus algorithms.
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Paper #3
Performance of Parallel Distributed Bat Algorithm using MPI on a PC Cluster
Fazal Noor, Abdulghani Ibrahim and Mohammed M. AlKhattab
Abstract: Optimization algorithms are often used to obtain optimal solutions to complex nonlinear problems and appear in many areas such as control, communication, computation, and others. Bat algorithm is a heuristic optimization algorithm and efficient in obtaining approximate best solutions to non-linear problems. In many situations complex problems involve large amount of computations that may require simulations to run for days or weeks or even years for an algorithm to converge to a solution. In this research, a Parallel Distributed Bat Algorithm (PDBA) is formulated using Message Passing Interface (MPI) in C language code for a PC Cluster. The time complexity of PDBA is determined and presented. The performance in terms of speed-up, efficiency, elapsed time, and number of times fitness function is executed is also presented.
Keywords: Bat Algorithm; Computational Complexity; Distributed; Message Passing Interface (MPI); Optimization Algorithm; Parallel; PC Cluster; Neural Networks.
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Paper #4
Payment Guaranteed Polynomial Exchange Rate Scheme and Its Application to Cryptocurrency Swaps
Youngseo Yoo, Dongil Seo and Minhyun Kim
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a scheme, called Polynomial Exchange Rate Scheme (PERS), to generate ex-change rate functions for token swap systems, and show that the functions generated are consistent, stable, and resilient. We show that payments are guaranteed in PERS if the Single Circulation Source principle is adopted (i.e., PG-PERS). Compared to the existing deposit-based exchange rate schemes, PG-PERS is a scheme that requires no initial key token deposit and its price changes have relatively stable rates especially in extreme cases. As an application of PG-PERS, we present a token swap service, called Fanco Swap, for swapping the ERC20 token used on aFan, an incentivized social media platform, and Ether coin. We also cover several practical issues such as precision and computation cost problems and the solutions to them, which adopted in the implementation of Fanco Swap. The paper contains a comprehensive survey on exist-ing cryptocurrency exchange services and their pricing mechanism, followed by a formal development of the proposed exchange rate scheme and its comparison with one of the most representative existing ex-change rate schemes.
Keywords: Token Swap System; Exchange Rate Scheme; Cryptocurrency; Smart Contract; ERC20 Token.
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Paper #5
Cloud based Distributed Denial of Service Alleviation System
Michal Zak and J. Andrew Ware
Abstract: Cloud computing is a phenomenon that is changing information technology, with many companies no longer having data and resources retained within their own premises. Instead they are utilising cloud computing and its centralised resources. There are many benefits of this approach such as pay-per-use model, elasticity of operation and on demand resourcing. However, this approach also introduces additional security challenges. Security involves a triad of considerations, those being confidentiality, integrity and availability, often abbreviated to CIA. This work focusses on the last aspect of the CIA triad – availability, which is even more crucial for cloud-based platforms as centralised resources need to be provided at a distance to the end customers. Several factors including ‘denial of service’ attack impact availability. Moreover, current protection frameworks do not sufficiently consider the issues of verification, scalability and end-to-end latency. Hence, a new framework has been designed to fill the identified gap. The framework referred to as the cloud-based Distributed Denial of Service Alleviation System (DDoSAS) is based on its predecessor Enhanced DDoS-MS. The new framework has been implemented using Amazon Web Services. The work serves to provide a baseline for measuring end-to-end latency in real-life scenarios.
Keywords: Denial of service attack; DoS; DDoS; Cloud computing; availability challenges.
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